Chapters Financial


£14 to 44p
Per Click

What Chapters Financial needed

Chapters Financial initially contacted Thunderbolt because they were bringing a new product to market and they wanted to explore a new and different demographic. Thunderbolt discussed potential options and came up with a multi-platform campaign strategy that would target this particular demographic most effectively.

How we helped

When Thunderbolt took over the paid marketing campaign, Chapters Financial were initially paying around £14 per click. As a Google Agency Partner, Thunderbolt strategised creating campaigns that would get the best possible return on advertising. In the second month the cost per click had come down from £14 to 44p per click and the website visitor numbers had quadrupled.

Testimonial from Chapters Financial

Esther Dadswell, Director at Chapters Financial says, “We have worked with the team at Thunderbolt for nearly three years now. They have been instrumental in creating online campaigns to highlight our service propositions, both virtual and online. Enthusiasm from the team is clear in getting the marketing positioning right for us. Marketing budgets can (often incorrectly) be the first to be cut when business flows slow, but that is exactly the time to invest in the thing that most business owners love: their company and its future”.

Get In Touch

Talk to us today! We are a full service Digital Web Design Agency based in the Georgian market town of Farnham, Surrey. If you would like to get in touch, please give us a call, or complete the enquiry form below and we will get back to you.

01252 413757

[email protected]

Thunderbolt Digital, Victoria House, South Street, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 7QU
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